文部科学省博士課程教育リーディングプログラム事業による支援期間の終了に伴い、平成 30年度3月末に終了となったグローバルリーダー教育院のWEBページです。アーカイブとして残してあります。 グローバルリーダー教育課程は、今後も学内で継続されます。同課程に関する情報は、新 HP に随時アップされますので、(こちら)をご確認ください。

文部科学省博士課程教育リーディングプログラム事業による支援期間の終了に伴い、平成 30年度3月末に終了となったグローバルリーダー教育院のWEBページです。アーカイブとして残してあります。 グローバルリーダー教育課程は、今後も学内で継続されます。同課程に関する情報は、新 HP に随時アップされますので、(こちら)をご確認ください。
道場 Activity 道場 Activity


H30年度山田道場WHAT'S GOING ON『Programming Boot Camp #2』

Facilitators: Junichiro Ueno and Tomoaki Koshi, GuildWorks, Inc.

On 26/Oct (Fri), the 2nd session of Programming Boot Camp was held by inviting Mr. Junichiro Ueno and Mr. Tomoaki Koshi from Guild Works Inc.

Presentation of homework:
Each group presented the small additions to the to-do-list web-service that was developed in the last session. The Guild Work tutors gave brief feedback and suggestions for improvement while going through the changes to the code.

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Development environment:
This part of the session began with a guide on how to install git, an important and widely used source control tool. Together with GitHub (or other providers of repository hosting), this is also a powerful tool for cooperative software development.

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Next, we installed node, an open-source server environment, and finally yarn, a dependency management and build system for web services. With these three tools, we have the basis necessary for web development as a group without relying on online tools. The choice of editor is left up to each student, but Visual Studio Code was recommended. VS Code is a light, modern and editor for efficient coding. Having used VS Code in the past, I strongly agree with the recommendation, especially for beginners.

It is always troublesome to guide a group of people with different computers and even different operating systems through an installation process, but the GuildWorks mentors quickly help people individually. Thanks to this, we finished the environment setup ahead of schedule!

The basics of the bash shell (in particular cd) were briefly explained. A basic knowledge really helps, but of course there is no time to teach that in the bootcamp as well. Following this (very) brief introduction, the source control system of git and the reason why it is necessary were also explained. Git is a somewhat complex tool and requires much more study to master, but the basic ideas are simple enough to understand and were explained nicely.

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App with page transaction:
This part of the session represented a big jump in difficulty. Communication with the backend was introduced. Along with this, the basic concept of how vue treats *data* was presented. While complicated at first, the GuildWorks team did a great job at explaining some of the unclear parts of the code.

Still, at the end, there was a mix in degree of understanding in the group. GuildWorks made sure to take stock of this and asked what people might want to learn more or see again.
They also stressed that it was fine to not have understood todays lecture completely. Understanding new code is a large part of learning programming, and figuring out where to get information by oneself is vital for programming in general.

(Written by Peter Spalthoff, M1, Computer Science, 2018AGL student)